Recurrence and Emergence 2023

A series of works that use mandala patterns as a dialogue between the personal and the cultural, present and past, trauma and healing.

Breaking the Silence 2018

This series includes an experimental print technique on leaves exposed to sunlight for many hours.

Fringe and Warps of Fate 2017


This work incorporated Australian motifs in a painting based on the style of traditional tribal carpets with repeating rhythm and symmetrical composition

Persiaustralia 2018

Persistralia comprises seemingly Persian patterns that employ Australian emblems as their base motif. 


Allurement of Ruins 2017

Mixed media on aged pieces of timber

The assortment of timber, juxtaposed with Persian allegories, has a vital role in the meaning-making of my work. Moreover, the act of collecting is associated with memories and a reflective state of mind. Sometimes, this is a remedial routine to switch troubling thoughts or break away from life's anxieties. 

Patterned Memoirs 2015-2017
Transfer ink and mixed media on found objects.

The body of work consists of pieces of historical, retro, and demolished Queensland houses and household items that are coated with applications of transferred inks and paints, then burned with patterns, text, and allegories belonging to ancient Persian motifs that once embellished books, households, and architectures in the past.

Multiverse 2016
Pyrography and ink on tree stumps and tree cuts

Multiverse is a body of work that includes native floras such as hoop pine, red cedar, ironbark, banksia, and palm fronds. I covered each piece with drawings and inscriptions using mainly pokerwork.